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L2CPBG Diagram - Jörg Ebeling, 12/12/2021 06:29 PM

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C 266.11 48.65 269.32 47.74 272.57 46.99 C 275.96 46.08 279.4 45.41 282.88 44.99 C 285.24 44.7 287.63 44.61 290 44.74 C 293.87 45.02 297.68 45.86 301.31 47.24 L 313.12 51.58 C 314.15 53.3 314.83 55.22 315.11 57.21 C 315.44 59.89 315.62 62.59 315.66 65.29 C 315.84 71.25 315.68 77.21 315.16 83.14 C 315.09 85.76 314.2 88.29 312.62 90.38 C 310.31 92.92 307.2 94.6 303.8 95.11 C 301.08 95.54 298.33 95.74 295.58 95.71 Z" fill-opacity="0.4" fill="#ffffff" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><rect x="252.15" y="41.75" width="0" height="0" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="all" transform="translate(2,3)" opacity="0.25"/><rect x="252.15" y="41.75" width="0" height="0" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 255.64 60.7 L 255.64 58.96 L 278.3 65.94 L 278.3 67.68 Z M 259.37 113.57 L 259.37 111.82 L 273.32 115.81 L 273.32 117.56 Z" fill="#52595e" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 252.15 117.31 L 252.15 50.48 L 287.51 41.75 L 317.15 50.73 L 317.15 118.31 L 282.28 126.53 Z" fill="none" stroke="#000000" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 295.09 128.72 L 288.99 101.83 C 288.8 100.99 289.05 100.12 289.66 99.52 C 290.57 98.56 292.31 97.75 294.6 97.21 C 293.04 94.8 292.93 91.73 294.3 89.2 C 295.68 86.68 298.32 85.12 301.19 85.12 C 304.11 85.1 306.81 86.7 308.18 89.29 C 309.55 91.88 309.36 95.01 307.7 97.42 C 309.52 97.86 311 98.47 311.98 99.19 C 312.83 99.67 313.31 100.61 313.22 101.58 L 307.03 128.72 C 306.32 129.62 303.87 130.25 301.06 130.25 C 298.26 130.25 295.81 129.62 295.09 128.72 Z" fill="#2782c2" stroke="#000000" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><rect x="252.15" y="41.75" width="0" height="0" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="all" transform="translate(2,3)" opacity="0.25"/><rect x="252.15" y="41.75" width="0" height="0" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 294.68 105.21 C 293.1 104.83 291.78 104.33 290.81 103.73 C 289.74 103.13 289.06 102.46 288.83 101.75 C 288.61 100.96 288.96 100.16 289.82 99.44 C 290.64 98.58 292.13 97.83 294.1 97.29 C 298.27 96.27 303.7 96.3 307.78 97.37 C 309.53 97.83 310.92 98.46 311.82 99.19 C 312.86 99.92 313.34 100.75 313.22 101.58 C 313.14 102.09 312.83 102.59 312.31 103.06 C 311.48 103.75 310.2 104.34 308.6 104.8 C 304.66 106.02 299.09 106.18 294.68 105.21 Z" fill="#74a2d7" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 293.16 112.96 L 291.3 104.06 C 291.11 102.68 291.8 101.32 293.03 100.68 C 294.75 99.76 296.74 99.38 298.72 99.6 C 300.9 99.9 303 100.63 304.89 101.75 L 313.22 101.75 L 311.57 108.67 C 311.13 109.65 310.33 110.42 309.34 110.82 L 306.13 111.56 L 301.93 112.88 C 299.61 113.58 297.44 114.68 295.5 116.14 C 295.1 116.61 294.46 116.61 294.06 116.14 Z" fill-opacity="0.4" fill="#ffffff" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><rect x="252.15" y="41.75" width="0" height="0" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="all" transform="translate(2,3)" opacity="0.25"/><rect x="252.15" y="41.75" width="0" height="0" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 293.16 93.17 C 293.16 91.04 294 88.99 295.51 87.48 C 297.01 85.97 299.06 85.12 301.19 85.12 C 303.32 85.12 305.36 85.97 306.87 87.48 C 308.38 88.99 309.22 91.04 309.22 93.17 C 308.86 97.37 305.4 100.63 301.19 100.72 C 296.98 100.62 293.52 97.37 293.16 93.17 Z" fill="#0b79b9" stroke="#000000" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><rect x="252.15" y="41.75" width="0" height="0" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="all" transform="translate(2,3)" opacity="0.25"/><rect x="252.15" y="41.75" width="0" height="0" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 295.17 91.77 C 295.09 90.41 295.7 89.09 296.87 88.11 C 298.04 87.12 299.66 86.57 301.35 86.57 C 304.72 86.66 307.38 88.9 307.32 91.6 C 306.96 94.05 304.42 95.91 301.35 95.97 C 298.27 96 295.64 94.21 295.17 91.77 Z" fill-opacity="0.3" fill="#ffffff" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 296.9 89.7 C 296.9 89.38 297.08 89.06 297.39 88.83 C 297.69 88.6 298.11 88.47 298.55 88.47 C 298.99 88.47 299.41 88.6 299.72 88.83 C 300.03 89.06 300.2 89.38 300.2 89.7 C 300.14 90.38 299.37 90.9 298.47 90.86 C 297.63 90.83 296.96 90.33 296.9 89.7 Z" fill-opacity="0.8" fill="#ffffff" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><rect x="252.15" y="41.75" width="0" height="0" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="all" transform="translate(2,3)" opacity="0.25"/><rect x="252.15" y="41.75" width="0" height="0" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 295.09 128.72 L 288.99 101.83 C 288.8 100.99 289.05 100.12 289.66 99.52 C 290.57 98.56 292.31 97.75 294.6 97.21 C 293.04 94.8 292.93 91.73 294.3 89.2 C 295.68 86.68 298.32 85.12 301.19 85.12 C 304.11 85.1 306.81 86.7 308.18 89.29 C 309.55 91.88 309.36 95.01 307.7 97.42 C 309.52 97.86 311 98.47 311.98 99.19 C 312.83 99.67 313.31 100.61 313.22 101.58 L 307.03 128.72 C 306.32 129.62 303.87 130.25 301.06 130.25 C 298.26 130.25 295.81 129.62 295.09 128.72 Z" fill="none" stroke="#000000" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><g transform="translate(-0.5 -0.5)"><switch><foreignObject pointer-events="none" width="100%" height="100%" requiredFeatures="" style="overflow: visible; text-align: left;"><div xmlns="" style="display: flex; align-items: unsafe flex-start; justify-content: unsafe center; width: 1px; height: 1px; padding-top: 137px; margin-left: 285px;"><div data-drawio-colors="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); " style="box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 0px; text-align: center;"><div style="display: inline-block; font-size: 12px; font-family: Helvetica; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); line-height: 1.2; pointer-events: all; white-space: nowrap;">LDAP Server</div></div></div></foreignObject><text x="285" y="149" fill="rgb(0, 0, 0)" font-family="Helvetica" font-size="12px" text-anchor="middle">LDAP Server</text></switch></g><path d="M 410.15 117.97 L 410.15 50.55 L 446.4 41.75 L 476.78 50.81 L 476.78 118.97 L 441.04 127.27 Z" fill="#000000" stroke="none" pointer-events="all" transform="translate(2,3)" opacity="0.25"/><path d="M 410.15 117.97 L 410.15 50.55 L 446.4 41.75 L 476.78 50.81 L 476.78 118.97 L 441.04 127.27 Z" fill="#abb4c5" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 410.15 50.55 L 446.4 41.75 L 476.78 50.81 L 441.04 59.36 Z" fill="#b8bfd1" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 441.04 59.36 L 476.78 50.81 L 476.78 118.97 L 441.04 127.27 Z" fill="#5b6369" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 441.4 96.43 C 434.74 93.91 428.38 90.71 422.4 86.88 C 419.53 84.92 417.1 82.4 415.26 79.48 C 413.99 77.2 413.33 74.64 413.37 72.04 C 413.26 69.23 413.31 66.43 413.52 63.63 C 413.67 61.14 413.94 58.66 414.34 56.19 C 414.71 54.83 415.28 53.52 416.02 52.31 C 417.57 51.28 419.33 50.44 421.23 49.8 C 424.46 48.71 427.75 47.79 431.08 47.03 C 434.55 46.12 438.09 45.45 441.65 45.02 C 444.07 44.72 446.52 44.64 448.95 44.77 C 452.92 45.05 456.82 45.89 460.54 47.28 L 472.64 51.66 C 473.7 53.4 474.4 55.33 474.69 57.35 C 475.02 60.05 475.21 62.77 475.25 65.5 C 475.44 71.5 475.27 77.52 474.74 83.51 C 474.67 86.15 473.76 88.7 472.13 90.8 C 469.77 93.37 466.58 95.06 463.1 95.58 C 460.31 96.01 457.49 96.21 454.67 96.18 Z" fill-opacity="0.4" fill="#ffffff" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><rect x="410.15" y="41.75" width="0" height="0" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="all" transform="translate(2,3)" opacity="0.25"/><rect x="410.15" y="41.75" width="0" height="0" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 413.72 60.87 L 413.72 59.11 L 436.95 66.15 L 436.95 67.91 Z M 417.55 114.19 L 417.55 112.43 L 431.85 116.46 L 431.85 118.22 Z" fill="#52595e" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 410.15 117.97 L 410.15 50.55 L 446.4 41.75 L 476.78 50.81 L 476.78 118.97 L 441.04 127.27 Z" fill="none" stroke="#000000" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 457.58 101.63 C 458.8 97.53 465.64 94.5 473.69 94.5 C 481.74 94.5 488.59 97.53 489.8 101.63 L 489.8 124.62 C 488.59 128.72 481.74 131.75 473.69 131.75 C 465.64 131.75 458.8 128.72 457.58 124.62 Z" fill="#9ea5b5" stroke="#000000" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><rect x="410.15" y="41.75" width="0" height="0" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="all" transform="translate(2,3)" opacity="0.25"/><rect x="410.15" y="41.75" width="0" height="0" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><ellipse cx="473.65" cy="102.17" rx="16.11079200970068" ry="7.591391839016209" fill="#b7bfd1" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 458.77 122.8 L 458.87 105.28 C 462.19 108.64 469.96 110.41 477.46 109.53 C 484.96 108.64 490.15 105.34 489.87 101.63 L 489.8 119.51 C 489.64 121.46 488.09 123.2 485.73 124.07 C 483.78 124.69 481.29 124.85 479.03 124.5 C 476.77 124.16 475.02 123.35 474.34 122.34 C 473.33 121.25 471.31 120.48 468.94 120.27 C 466.56 120.05 464.12 120.42 462.4 121.26 Z" fill-opacity="0.4" fill="#ffffff" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><rect x="410.15" y="41.75" width="0" height="0" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="all" transform="translate(2,3)" opacity="0.25"/><rect x="410.15" y="41.75" width="0" height="0" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 457.58 101.63 C 458.8 97.53 465.64 94.5 473.69 94.5 C 481.74 94.5 488.59 97.53 489.8 101.63 L 489.8 124.62 C 488.59 128.72 481.74 131.75 473.69 131.75 C 465.64 131.75 458.8 128.72 457.58 124.62 Z" fill="none" stroke="#000000" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><g transform="translate(-0.5 -0.5)"><switch><foreignObject pointer-events="none" width="100%" height="100%" requiredFeatures="" style="overflow: visible; text-align: left;"><div xmlns="" style="display: flex; align-items: unsafe flex-start; justify-content: unsafe center; width: 1px; height: 1px; padding-top: 139px; margin-left: 450px;"><div data-drawio-colors="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); " style="box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 0px; text-align: center;"><div style="display: inline-block; font-size: 12px; font-family: Helvetica; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); line-height: 1.2; pointer-events: all; white-space: nowrap;">Database Server</div></div></div></foreignObject><text x="450" y="151" fill="rgb(0, 0, 0)" font-family="Helvetica" font-size="12px" text-anchor="middle">Database Serv...</text></switch></g><path d="M 768.65 116.87 L 768.65 49.76 L 804.18 41 L 833.96 50.01 L 833.96 117.87 L 798.93 126.14 Z" fill="#000000" stroke="none" pointer-events="all" transform="translate(2,3)" opacity="0.25"/><path d="M 768.65 116.87 L 768.65 49.76 L 804.18 41 L 833.96 50.01 L 833.96 117.87 L 798.93 126.14 Z" fill="#abb4c5" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 768.65 49.76 L 804.18 41 L 833.96 50.01 L 798.93 58.53 Z" fill="#b8bfd1" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 798.93 58.53 L 833.96 50.01 L 833.96 117.87 L 798.93 126.14 Z" fill="#5b6369" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 799.28 95.44 C 792.76 92.92 786.52 89.74 780.66 85.92 C 777.85 83.97 775.46 81.47 773.65 78.56 C 772.41 76.29 771.77 73.74 771.8 71.15 C 771.7 68.36 771.75 65.57 771.95 62.79 C 772.1 60.3 772.36 57.83 772.75 55.37 C 773.12 54.02 773.68 52.72 774.41 51.52 C 775.93 50.49 777.65 49.65 779.51 49.01 C 782.68 47.93 785.91 47.01 789.17 46.26 C 792.57 45.35 796.03 44.68 799.53 44.26 C 801.9 43.96 804.3 43.87 806.69 44 C 810.58 44.28 814.4 45.13 818.05 46.51 L 829.91 50.87 C 830.95 52.6 831.63 54.52 831.91 56.53 C 832.24 59.22 832.43 61.93 832.46 64.64 C 832.65 70.62 832.49 76.61 831.96 82.57 C 831.89 85.2 831 87.74 829.41 89.83 C 827.09 92.39 823.96 94.07 820.55 94.59 C 817.82 95.01 815.06 95.22 812.29 95.19 Z" fill-opacity="0.4" fill="#ffffff" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><rect x="768.65" y="41" width="0" height="0" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="all" transform="translate(2,3)" opacity="0.25"/><rect x="768.65" y="41" width="0" height="0" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 772.15 60.03 L 772.15 58.28 L 794.93 65.29 L 794.93 67.04 Z M 775.91 113.12 L 775.91 111.36 L 789.92 115.37 L 789.92 117.12 Z" fill="#52595e" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 768.65 116.87 L 768.65 49.76 L 804.18 41 L 833.96 50.01 L 833.96 117.87 L 798.93 126.14 Z" fill="none" stroke="#000000" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><rect x="768.65" y="41" width="0" height="0" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="all" transform="translate(2,3)" opacity="0.25"/><rect x="768.65" y="41" width="0" height="0" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><ellipse cx="825.66" cy="112.17" rx="18.818449460255152" ry="18.830337766401424" fill="#008cce" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 812.81 98.68 C 813 99.2 813.26 99.7 813.57 100.15 C 814.09 100.2 814.6 100.36 815.05 100.62 C 814.92 101.15 815.15 101.7 815.61 101.99 C 815.96 102.19 816.2 102.55 816.25 102.95 C 816.26 103.15 816.36 103.34 816.51 103.47 C 816.67 103.6 816.87 103.66 817.07 103.65 C 817.3 103.61 817.54 103.6 817.77 103.6 C 818.28 103.53 818.8 103.64 819.23 103.9 L 820.82 105.05 C 821.07 105.22 821.26 105.49 821.33 105.78 C 821.42 106.07 821.42 106.39 821.33 106.68 C 821.2 106.71 821.07 106.7 820.95 106.64 C 820.86 106.39 820.68 106.18 820.44 106.06 C 820.14 105.94 819.79 105.94 819.49 106.06 C 819.08 106.29 818.61 106.37 818.15 106.3 C 817.77 106.31 817.42 106.5 817.19 106.8 C 817.02 107.06 816.74 107.22 816.43 107.24 C 816.12 107.27 815.82 107.15 815.61 106.93 C 815.42 106.68 815.12 106.54 814.8 106.57 C 814.49 106.6 814.22 106.8 814.08 107.08 C 813.92 107.45 813.82 107.83 813.78 108.23 C 813.79 108.74 813.69 109.25 813.5 109.73 C 813.39 109.97 813.22 110.18 812.99 110.32 C 812.62 110.42 812.38 110.77 812.43 111.15 C 812.73 111.51 812.96 111.91 813.12 112.35 C 813.26 112.62 813.15 112.94 812.86 113.11 C 812.58 113.35 812.44 113.72 812.51 114.08 C 812.07 114.09 811.63 114.02 811.21 113.88 C 811.05 113.67 810.83 113.52 810.58 113.44 C 810.34 113.39 810.09 113.48 809.94 113.67 C 809.65 114.08 809.44 114.54 809.33 115.02 C 809.23 115.35 809.18 115.7 809.17 116.04 C 809.5 116.65 809.66 117.33 809.64 118.02 L 809.89 120.06 C 809.91 120.33 809.84 120.6 809.7 120.82 C 809.54 121.03 809.32 121.18 809.07 121.25 C 805.08 113.75 806.6 104.51 812.79 98.68 Z" fill="#00527f" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 835.83 96.52 C 835.74 96.8 835.56 97.05 835.32 97.21 C 835.09 97.3 834.85 97.35 834.6 97.36 L 833.21 97.54 C 832.61 97.47 832 97.53 831.43 97.74 C 831.48 97.94 831.4 98.15 831.23 98.28 C 831.07 98.4 830.84 98.41 830.67 98.3 C 830.3 98.31 829.96 98.47 829.72 98.74 C 829.54 98.94 829.29 99.07 829.01 99.12 C 828.63 99.2 828.3 99.45 828.12 99.8 C 827.96 100.11 827.66 100.18 827.44 99.95 C 827.3 99.68 827.21 99.38 827.18 99.07 C 826.93 98.47 826.48 97.97 825.91 97.67 C 825.33 97.41 824.79 97.07 824.31 96.65 C 824 96.42 823.82 96.07 823.8 95.68 C 823.78 95.45 823.81 95.22 823.87 95 C 823.68 94.6 823.3 94.33 822.86 94.28 C 822.53 94.2 822.26 93.96 822.15 93.64 C 826.99 92.74 831.99 93.78 836.08 96.52 Z" fill="#64aadc" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 843.71 117.26 C 843.65 116.68 843.43 116.12 843.07 115.66 C 842.68 115.63 842.3 115.82 842.11 116.17 C 841.8 116.61 841.32 116.91 840.79 117.01 C 840.41 116.59 840.49 116.01 840.97 115.66 C 841.28 115.19 841.35 114.61 841.17 114.08 C 841.13 113.85 841.04 113.64 840.92 113.44 C 840.56 113.09 840.3 112.65 840.15 112.17 C 839.82 112.39 839.42 112.35 839.11 112.09 C 838.8 111.82 838.63 111.36 838.67 110.9 C 838.69 110.35 838.49 109.82 838.12 109.43 C 838.15 108.56 837.88 107.7 837.35 107.01 C 836.82 106.48 836.12 106.16 835.37 106.11 C 834.74 106.13 834.22 105.75 834.21 105.28 C 834.2 104.81 834.69 104.42 835.32 104.41 C 836.27 104.52 837.23 104.49 838.17 104.33 C 839.08 104.22 839.97 103.95 840.79 103.52 L 841.68 102.3 C 844.41 106.78 845.15 112.21 843.71 117.26 Z" fill="#0a79b9" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 841.8 121.97 C 841.37 122.51 840.8 122.92 840.15 123.16 C 839.64 123.32 839.29 123.78 839.26 124.31 C 839.2 124.5 839.15 124.4 839.1 124.04 C 839.05 123.68 839.02 123.08 839 122.4 C 839.08 121.76 839.32 121.14 839.69 120.62 C 840.1 120.24 840.47 119.81 840.79 119.35 C 840.9 119.16 840.9 118.93 840.79 118.74 C 840.68 118.55 840.47 118.45 840.25 118.47 C 840.03 118.49 839.85 118.64 839.77 118.84 C 839.3 119.4 838.87 119.99 838.5 120.62 C 837.88 121.55 836.98 121.93 836.13 121.64 C 835.62 121.39 835.05 121.26 834.48 121.25 C 834.14 121.39 833.93 121.61 833.9 121.85 C 833.88 122.09 834.05 122.32 834.35 122.48 C 834.83 122.62 835.24 122.94 835.5 123.37 C 835.9 124.05 835.09 124.75 833.54 125.08 C 832.47 125.1 831.42 125.3 830.41 125.66 C 829.82 126.2 829.42 126.91 829.26 127.69 C 829.08 128.04 828.14 128.3 826.98 128.33 C 826.15 128.21 825.32 128.25 824.51 128.46 C 823.84 128.7 823.08 128.58 822.53 128.13 C 822.4 127.86 822.13 127.68 821.83 127.67 C 821.53 127.65 821.25 127.8 821.09 128.06 C 820.94 128.31 820.93 128.63 821.08 128.89 C 821.34 129.36 821.87 129.62 822.4 129.53 C 822.78 129.31 823.27 129.22 823.75 129.27 C 824.04 129.34 824.28 129.51 824.38 129.73 C 824.55 129.86 824.88 129.97 825.29 130.02 C 825.71 130.07 826.16 130.06 826.55 129.98 C 827.18 129.79 827.98 129.67 828.83 129.65 C 829.44 129.61 830 129.53 830.49 129.4 C 830.96 129.04 831.55 128.86 832.14 128.89 C 832.48 128.82 832.74 128.73 832.9 128.64 C 833.14 128.46 833.43 128.37 833.72 128.38 C 833.86 128.49 833.92 128.68 833.84 128.84 C 833.65 129.11 833.42 129.35 833.16 129.55 C 836.76 127.99 839.78 125.34 841.8 121.97 Z" fill="#266792" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><ellipse cx="824.51" cy="104.16" rx="13.6058390578999" ry="9.415168883200712" fill-opacity="0.3" fill="#ffffff" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><ellipse cx="818.3" cy="102.36" rx="3.9413640824337586" ry="2.8721273162317065" fill-opacity="0.4" fill="#ffffff" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><rect x="768.65" y="41" width="0" height="0" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="all" transform="translate(2,3)" opacity="0.25"/><rect x="768.65" y="41" width="0" height="0" fill="none" 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116.8 L 589.29 76.76 L 592.46 76.06 L 595.14 78.75 C 595.84 78.67 596.54 78.71 597.23 78.85 L 598.22 76.86 L 601.2 76.26 L 603.38 77.6 L 604.02 82.13 C 605.27 83.26 606.37 84.78 607.25 86.6 L 610.23 87.24 L 611.12 89.97 L 609.53 93.65 C 609.85 95.6 609.95 97.61 609.83 99.61 L 611.91 102.89 L 611.32 106.47 L 608.34 107.16 C 607.63 108.55 606.8 109.76 605.86 110.74 L 605.86 115.36 L 603.97 116.5 L 600.6 117 L 597.33 112.43 L 594.05 116.9 Z M 597.92 97.53 L 597.03 93.85 C 596.71 93.6 596.37 93.76 596.11 94.28 C 595.85 94.8 595.71 95.6 595.74 96.43 C 595.83 97.38 596.19 98.14 596.66 98.37 C 597.12 98.61 597.62 98.28 597.92 97.53 Z" fill="#000000" stroke="#000000" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all" transform="translate(2,3)" opacity="0.25"/><path d="M 591.67 116.8 L 589.29 76.76 L 592.46 76.06 L 595.14 78.75 C 595.84 78.67 596.54 78.71 597.23 78.85 L 598.22 76.86 L 601.2 76.26 L 603.38 77.6 L 604.02 82.13 C 605.27 83.26 606.37 84.78 607.25 86.6 L 610.23 87.24 L 611.12 89.97 L 609.53 93.65 C 609.85 95.6 609.95 97.61 609.83 99.61 L 611.91 102.89 L 611.32 106.47 L 608.34 107.16 C 607.63 108.55 606.8 109.76 605.86 110.74 L 605.86 115.36 L 603.97 116.5 L 600.6 117 L 597.33 112.43 L 594.05 116.9 Z M 597.92 97.53 L 597.03 93.85 C 596.71 93.6 596.37 93.76 596.11 94.28 C 595.85 94.8 595.71 95.6 595.74 96.43 C 595.83 97.38 596.19 98.14 596.66 98.37 C 597.12 98.61 597.62 98.28 597.92 97.53 Z" fill="#697079" stroke="#697079" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><rect x="581.15" y="55" width="0" height="0" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="all" transform="translate(2,3)" opacity="0.25"/><rect x="581.15" y="55" width="0" height="0" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 612.91 95.74 L 610.52 55.7 L 613.7 55 L 616.38 57.68 C 617.07 57.61 617.77 57.64 618.46 57.78 L 619.46 55.79 L 622.43 55.2 L 624.62 56.54 L 625.26 61.06 C 626.51 62.2 627.61 63.72 628.49 65.53 L 631.46 66.18 L 632.36 68.91 L 630.77 72.59 C 631.08 74.53 631.18 76.55 631.07 78.55 L 633.15 81.83 L 632.55 85.4 L 629.58 86.1 C 628.87 87.49 628.03 88.69 627.1 89.68 L 627.1 94.3 L 625.21 95.44 L 621.84 95.94 L 618.56 91.37 L 615.29 95.84 Z M 619.16 76.46 L 618.26 72.79 C 617.95 72.53 617.6 72.69 617.34 73.21 C 617.08 73.73 616.95 74.54 616.97 75.37 C 617.07 76.32 617.42 77.08 617.89 77.31 C 618.36 77.54 618.85 77.21 619.16 76.46 Z" fill="#697079" stroke="#697079" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 612.91 95.74 L 610.92 94.74 L 610.42 90.12 C 609.08 89.02 607.9 87.48 606.95 85.6 L 604.07 85.11 L 602.98 82.13 L 604.87 78.45 C 604.51 76.48 604.38 74.43 604.47 72.39 L 602.39 69.01 L 602.98 66.13 L 605.96 65.68 C 606.67 64.09 607.54 62.69 608.54 61.56 L 608.54 57.09 L 610.52 55.7 L 612.71 58.48 C 614.08 58.05 615.5 58.05 616.88 58.48 L 619.46 55.79 L 621.44 56.99 L 621.74 61.36 C 622.98 62.53 624.05 64.09 624.91 65.93 L 627.99 66.43 L 629.08 69.51 L 627.39 73.08 C 627.72 75.06 627.82 77.11 627.69 79.14 L 629.97 82.82 L 629.28 86.2 L 626.4 86.2 C 625.67 87.83 624.76 89.24 623.72 90.37 L 623.62 95.04 L 621.74 95.94 L 619.06 92.86 C 617.79 93.29 616.48 93.36 615.19 93.05 Z M 616.28 79.74 C 616.96 79.74 617.61 79.3 618.08 78.51 C 618.55 77.72 618.79 76.66 618.76 75.57 C 618.52 73.73 617.2 72.33 615.59 72.19 C 614.95 72.11 614.33 72.5 613.92 73.23 C 613.51 73.96 613.35 74.94 613.5 75.87 C 613.54 77.92 614.74 79.6 616.28 79.74" fill="#c0c6d2" stroke="#697079" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 591.67 116.8 L 589.68 115.81 L 589.19 111.19 C 587.85 110.08 586.66 108.54 585.71 106.67 L 582.84 106.17 L 581.75 103.19 L 583.63 99.51 C 583.28 97.55 583.14 95.49 583.23 93.45 L 581.15 90.07 L 581.75 87.19 L 584.72 86.75 C 585.43 85.15 586.3 83.76 587.3 82.62 L 587.3 78.15 L 589.29 76.76 L 591.47 79.54 C 592.85 79.12 594.26 79.12 595.64 79.54 L 598.22 76.86 L 600.2 78.05 L 600.5 82.42 C 601.74 83.6 602.82 85.15 603.68 86.99 L 606.75 87.49 L 607.84 90.57 L 606.16 94.15 C 606.48 96.12 606.58 98.18 606.46 100.21 L 608.74 103.88 L 608.04 107.26 L 605.17 107.26 C 604.43 108.89 603.52 110.3 602.49 111.44 L 602.39 116.11 L 600.5 117 L 597.82 113.92 C 596.55 114.35 595.24 114.42 593.95 114.12 Z M 595.04 100.8 C 595.72 100.81 596.37 100.36 596.84 99.57 C 597.31 98.78 597.56 97.72 597.52 96.63 C 597.29 94.79 595.97 93.39 594.35 93.25 C 593.71 93.18 593.09 93.56 592.68 94.29 C 592.27 95.02 592.11 96 592.26 96.93 C 592.3 98.99 593.51 100.67 595.04 100.8" fill="#c0c6d2" stroke="#697079" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 613.72 113.57 L 612.62 94.97 L 614.09 94.64 L 615.34 95.89 C 615.66 95.86 615.98 95.87 616.3 95.94 L 616.77 95.01 L 618.15 94.74 L 619.16 95.36 L 619.46 97.46 C 620.04 97.99 620.55 98.69 620.96 99.54 L 622.34 99.84 L 622.76 101.11 L 622.02 102.81 C 622.17 103.72 622.21 104.65 622.16 105.58 L 623.13 107.1 L 622.85 108.77 L 621.47 109.09 C 621.14 109.74 620.75 110.3 620.31 110.75 L 620.31 112.9 L 619.44 113.43 L 617.87 113.66 L 616.35 111.54 L 614.83 113.61 Z Z M 616.63 104.61 L 616.21 102.91 C 615.73 103.09 615.47 103.61 615.61 104.11 C 615.86 104.56 616.25 104.76 616.63 104.61 Z" fill="#697079" stroke="#697079" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 613.72 113.57 L 612.8 113.11 L 612.57 110.96 C 611.95 110.44 611.4 109.73 610.96 108.86 L 609.62 108.63 L 609.11 107.24 L 609.99 105.54 C 609.82 104.62 609.76 103.67 609.8 102.72 L 608.84 101.15 L 609.11 99.82 L 610.49 99.61 C 610.82 98.86 611.23 98.22 611.7 97.69 L 611.7 95.61 L 612.62 94.97 L 613.63 96.26 C 614.27 96.06 614.93 96.06 615.57 96.26 L 616.77 95.01 L 617.69 95.57 L 617.83 97.6 C 618.4 98.15 618.9 98.87 619.3 99.72 L 620.73 99.95 L 621.24 101.38 L 620.45 103.05 C 620.6 103.96 620.65 104.92 620.59 105.86 L 621.65 107.57 L 621.33 109.14 L 619.99 109.14 C 619.65 109.89 619.23 110.55 618.75 111.07 L 618.7 113.24 L 617.83 113.66 L 616.58 112.23 C 615.99 112.43 615.38 112.46 614.78 112.32 Z M 615.29 106.14 C 615.65 106.22 616.01 106.02 616.25 105.63 C 616.48 105.23 616.56 104.69 616.44 104.2 C 616.29 103.27 615.68 102.62 614.97 102.63 C 614.68 102.63 614.41 102.83 614.23 103.15 C 614.04 103.48 613.96 103.91 614 104.34 C 614.06 105.27 614.6 106.01 615.29 106.14 Z" fill="#c0c6d2" stroke="#697079" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><g transform="translate(-0.5 -0.5)"><switch><foreignObject pointer-events="none" width="100%" height="100%" requiredFeatures="" style="overflow: visible; text-align: left;"><div xmlns="" style="display: flex; align-items: unsafe flex-start; justify-content: unsafe center; width: 1px; height: 1px; padding-top: 124px; margin-left: 607px;"><div data-drawio-colors="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); " style="box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 0px; text-align: center;"><div style="display: inline-block; font-size: 12px; font-family: Helvetica; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); line-height: 1.2; pointer-events: all; white-space: nowrap;">Sync Process</div></div></div></foreignObject><text x="607" y="136" fill="rgb(0, 0, 0)" font-family="Helvetica" 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22.14 120.96 22.87 118.74 24.42 117.14 C 24.82 116.69 25.46 116.53 26.02 116.74 C 26.59 116.95 26.97 117.48 26.97 118.08 Z" fill="#676d70" stroke="#000000" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><g transform="translate(-0.5 -0.5)"><switch><foreignObject pointer-events="none" width="100%" height="100%" requiredFeatures="" style="overflow: visible; text-align: left;"><div xmlns="" style="display: flex; align-items: unsafe flex-start; justify-content: unsafe center; width: 1px; height: 1px; padding-top: 149px; margin-left: 62px;"><div data-drawio-colors="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); " style="box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 0px; text-align: center;"><div style="display: inline-block; font-size: 12px; font-family: Helvetica; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); line-height: 1.2; pointer-events: all; white-space: nowrap;">Phone(s) with LDAP-<br />Directory support</div></div></div></foreignObject><text x="62" y="161" fill="rgb(0, 0, 0)" font-family="Helvetica" font-size="12px" text-anchor="middle">Phone(s) 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