Bug #12
Updated by Jörg Ebeling over 4 years ago
A contact with multiple phone numbers, and multiple types (i.e. work + cell), created within thunderbird and synced to Nextcloud, result in: <code>BEGIN:VCARD FN:Multi Type Sample FN:John Doe N:Sample;Multi Type;;; N:Doe;John;;; UID:f206ce5d-ecbf-446a-857c-bd32c3f9c9b0 UID:f206ce5d-ecbf-446a-857c-bc21c3f9c9b0 TEL;TYPE=WORK,VOICE:01234 - 56 789 7890 TEL;TYPE=WORK,CELL:0170 - 12 34 567 EMAIL;TYPE=WORK:somewhere@gmx.de ... VERSION:3.0 END:VCARD</code> But phone (Yeahlink) displays two times the cell number.Go to top