Changelog 094 » History » Version 2
Jörg Ebeling, 11/17/2021 11:39 PM
1 | 2 | Jörg Ebeling | ## 0.9.4 (bugfix & feature release) |
2 | - Permit Gold features for evaluation license |
3 | - Bug #52: Fixed reverse lookup for Fritz!Box intermal number |
4 | - Created a virtual contact for license info entries |
5 | - Bug #53: panic: runtime error: slice bounds out of range |
6 | - Bug #52: Suppress "Failed parsing phone number '...': the phone number supplied is not a number" if it's a "*" prefixed (Fritz!box) internal number |
7 | 1 | Jörg Ebeling | - Feature #51: Encrypt CardDAV Server password |
8 | - Bug #50: Better error messages in the case of a single backslash path separator in config file |
9 | - Bug #49: Useless trace log messages |