Changelog 096 » History » Version 1
Jörg Ebeling, 02/16/2023 11:40 PM
1 | 1 | Jörg Ebeling | ## 0.9.6 (bugfix & maintenance release) |
2 | - Multi CardDAV Server and/or Account support |
3 | - Support Mitel (Aastra) 6800 Series Phones |
4 | - Support #55: Quicker initial load of large address books > 1000 contacts |
5 | - x64 build for ARM architectures like Raspberry Pi OS 64 |
6 | - New command line option `--reloadAllContacts` |
7 | - Bugfix #59 : Non- logged, foreground only error message |
8 | - Update to go1.19.3 |
9 | - Upgraded Badger DB from v2 to v3 |
10 | - Optimized and fixed test. Removed unclear/concurring tests |
11 | - Upgraded all dependencies |
12 | - Fixed sync trigger by SIGHUP |