



L2CPBG 0.8.0 feature release

Added by Jörg Ebeling about 4 years ago

  • Bugfix #13 : OR filter limitation. LDAP should now also support AND filter "(&(...)"
  • Feature #14 : Speedup by caching or storage layer. All CardDav data is now buffered in a local DB whereas all LDAP request get answered (much more quicker) from the local DB
  • Bugfix : Correct display of backslash, semicolon, double and single quotes in LDAP responses
  • Feature #15 : Dial prefix for external line

L2CPBG 0.7.0 feature release

Added by Jörg Ebeling over 4 years ago

  • Added "Gigaset (N510) IP PRO" support
  • Better LDAP/CardDav mapping
  • Complete redraw of LDAP filter/attribute handling
  • Increased amount of "free" requests

Please check the Wiki, Readme, Changelog and the License for further details.
Binary downloads are available in the Files section.
If you're interested in other binaries like armv6/7, please drop me a short note.


Also available in: Atom

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